Saturday, June 6, 2009

How quickly this degenerates into a food blog, as Casey never fails to remind me

Well, we arrived yesterday early afternoon in Madrid and lo and behold, AJ's future stepfather Dario had cooked us what can only be described as a feast. Apparently he had been cooking since Friday, and then woke up early on Saturday to continue this banquet.
There was delicious chorizoAubergineand Pesto, which was out of the world and I have been promised a cooking lesson.Our friend Steph can't eat wheat and, though he claims it's Blasphemous, Dario spread some Pesto on a rice cracker for her. He says that she must have really bad karma from a past life to not be able to eat pasta. Dario also drove 4 hours to pick up this desert which came in Chocolate and Creme flavor; it was layers of filo dough with custard on the inside and powdered sugar or choclate on top.
We all took a big long nap to recover from all this food and then went into Madrid with Fay and Dario and all the kids (the Flaggle of Americans, as the Spartan says) to look around.Because we were with Dario, master of food, we stopped again to get food at a place that claimed to have the best Jamon in Madrid.And really, it was absolutely delicious.And we went to a public square in between the Opera house and the Royal Palace where they were broadcasting Rigoletto from inside the opera house to a screen and huge speakers outside. We caught the last act, where all hell breaks loose. It was absolutely fantastic and totally jammed.

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